Semester: 8 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 30 / 30 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: There is a limit of 16 people registered for a particular course Biochemistry, pharmacology, clinical Diagnostics, patologic anatomy.
Contact person: Błażej Poźniak
Short description: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the origin of poisons and toxic exposure, with the mechanisms of intoxications and with the biological fate of toxic compounds in the body. Students will be acquainted with the veterinary clinical toxicology with particular regard to the methods of proper poisoning diagnosis. Apart from symptoms and pathological lesions observed in poisonings, students will learn about analytical methods employed in toxicology. Students will also learn how to perform toxicological anamnesis and how to secure proper sampling material for laboratory investigations.
Full description: General toxicology: poisons and the mechanisms of their action, toxicokinetics, toxicological diagnostics, veterinary treatment of animal poisoning cases. Specific issues: characterization of common poisons and review of the most common poisonings with particular regard to clinical symptoms, lesions, laboratory diagnostics and clinical treatment. Special attention will be given to compounds used in animal husbandry (feed additives), agriculture (pesticides, fertilizers), industrial contaminants (heavy metals), selected drugs, household products, as well as mycotoxins and poisonous plants.
Bibliography: 1. Plumlee K.H. Clinical veterinary toxicology ed. Mosby 2004 2. Osweiler G.D. Toxicology (The national veterinary series) ed. Williams & Wilkins 1996 3. Gupta R.C. Veterinary Toxicology ed. Academy Press 2007 4. Osweiler G.D. i in. Small Animal Toxicology ed Willey-Blackwell 2011
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - knows the origin of poisons dangerous to animals, defines and describes the mechanisms of action of selected groups of poisons, their metabolic fate and interactions - interprets pathomorphologic lesions caused by poisons on the cellular, organ and microorganism level - describes and interprets the etiology of poisonings in animals, characteristic symptoms and pathologic lesions - describes and implements the rules of poisoning prevention as well as the treatment of poisoned animals - institutes proper diagnostic procedures (including differential diagnosis) Skills: - to carry out toxicological anamnesis in order to collect precise information in cases of individual/group animal poisonings (including environmental data) - to write a covering letter for a diagnostic laboratory in a form comprehensive for professionals and non-professionals (e.g. animal’s owner) - to choose, collect and secure samples for toxicological investigation. To choose the appropriate transport method for samples. To analyze and interpret the results of toxicological laboratory investigations (based on the knowledge of these methods’ principles) - to choose drugs and antidota for appropriate treatment of poisoned patients - to communicate efficiently with the client, other veterinary surgeons, as well as appropriate officials and administration workers of appropriate level Social competences: - shows responsibility for his/her decisions in regard to people and animals - is aware of the results of his/her decisions, including the effects concerning environmental issues
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Final assessment: 50% credit II + 50% exam.

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